Office Location

104 Morgan Hall, 2621 Morgan Circle Knoxville, TN 37996
Phone: (865) 974-7141



Below are some Frequently Asked Questions that our team has received the past few weeks. We hope you find this info helpful. If you have other questions, please don't hesitate to give us a call at 865-974-7141. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What's the big deal? How does this benefit me? 

UTIA Marketing and Communications has worked with Kyrus to front-load UTIA logos and products within the UTIA color palette. This means that departments can order products with minimal effort...there's no emailing the vendor a logo, or going back and forth about pricing, shipping, etc. We've done all of that, so all you need to do is choose your product, choose your size, choose your logo, and pay. 

Q: I placed an order the very first day the store was open. Why did it take so long to receive my products? 

Because of the "batch" method being used to keep costs down, ALL orders are processed on the first day of the month for the previous month.  This means if you order products toward the beginning of the month, your wait time will be longer to receive your product.

Q: Can I order other products? What about ordering in bulk for an event?

Yes to both! Kyrus Print Solutions offers many products, and the UTIA Online Apparel Store only includes a few of them. If you have other product needs, like 150 caps for a field day or 50 bags for giveaways at an event, please call Kyrus at 731-512-0726 or email Kevin Knott at [email protected].

Q: Can I purchase UTIA fiftieth anniversary items? 

Yes. We currently have two products available. UTIA fiftieth anniversary coasters are available to departments at bulk pricing and can be ordered hereMen's and women's T-shirts with the UTIA fiftieth anniversary logo are available through the online apparel store.